Short Term Plan:

As per client request we provide training plans for different technologies for 2 to 3 months timeframe.

Long Term Plan:

Phase 1.1

  1.       Assessment of each student on their interests and abilities
  2.     Students are trained on Programming languages and RDBMS.
  3.       This phase concentrates how to build the logic and on the coding standards.
  4.     Rigorous assessments will be taken during the training period to understand how the training phase is going

Phase 1.2

  1.       Based on the final assessment result every student will be taken into the next level orientation.
  2.     This orientation will be on other suitable technologies as per the current market trends and best fit to the students.
  3.       Once students pick the technology, we will train them on those technologies.
  4.     Students will start working on the live projects, which consists of development, testing, project management etc.
  5.     Students will work on different roles and will be able to perform the same when they are placed.
  6.       Students will face and feel the on –floor experience.

Phase 2

  1.     CRT will start in this phase and mock interviews will be conducted.
  2.     During this period we will find the drawbacks and guide them to overcome the lacking areas.
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