What is SDLC?
SDLC stands for Software Development Life Cycle. SDLC is a systematic process which aims to produce high-quality software product with low cost in a short time. SDLC ensures the quality and correctness of the product which meets customer expectations. SDLC consists of a detailed plan which has an organized flow of phases that helps an organization to deliver the product with high quality which is properly designed and tested and ready to launch the product. SDLC contains seven phases and each phase is having its procedure and deliverables and it passes to the next phase only on successful completion of that phase.
The phases of SDLC are listed below
- Requirement Analysis
Requirement analysis is the most significant and essential Phase in SDLC. Here senior associates of the team will collect the inputs from the client and gather all relevant information that is used to plan the basic project approach
- Planning
In this Phase, analyze the information given by stakeholders and conduct the feasibility study which determines the product requirements and after approval from the client an SRS (Software Requirement Specification) Document is designed and it contains all the information about the product
- Design
Based on Software Requirement Specification Document a Design Specification is created then it is the review by all stakeholders and we’ll take the feedback and suggestions from the client and after approval of the client, the architecture of the software product and its elements are created
- Development
Actual development starts from here and a programming language which is selected is used to generate the code according to the design specification and build the software
- Testing
In this stage, we test the product, if any defects bugs were found testers fix them until the product meets defined requirements
- Deployment
If the product is error-free and achieved the client needs then after the approval of the client the product is launched into the market and it will available for the users
- Maintenance
Software needs to be updated on regular basis and should be supported after-market release to rectify if any issues are found.
SDLC follows the perfect strategy to plan, design, develop and completes the project in estimated time and cost. It helps in lowering the cost of the product and improves the quality and decreases the product risks and delivers the best product in less time and it also helps in improving client relations and it has a mechanism to track and control the delivered software product.