what is python?
Python is a high-level object-oriented programming language which is developed by Guido van Rossum in the early 1980s. Python is an interpreted, interactive programming language. Father of Python is Guido Van Rossum. It is very simple to use and learn as it is similar to the English language. Python programming language is used to develop general-purpose applications
why to learn python?
Python is interactive (here we directly interact with the interpreter to write the source code), interpreted (source code is processed at runtime and we don’t need to compile the source code before executing it) and object-oriented (encapsulate the source code within objects) scripting language which is designed to be highly readable as it uses keywords which are in English whereas other languages follow predefined syntaxes

Python Programming Language is widely used to develop below applications
- Artificial Intelligence
- Machine Learning
- Desktop Applications
- Web Applications
- Mobile Applications
- Enterprise Applications
- Data Science
- Data Mining
- Image Processing Applications
Features of Python
- Simple Python programming is easy to use and learn as it similar to the English language and its syntax can be easily understandable to the user due to this it is recommended to the beginners
- Platform Independent Python application can be developed and executed in different operating systems like windows, mac-OS, Linux ..etc
- Object-Oriented Usage of objects and encapsulate the source code within objects
- Integrated Python programming language can be easily integrated with other programming languages like JAVA, C, C++, COM, ActiveX, CORBA etc. Python executes the source code line by line and its easy to debug the source code
- Embedded We can embed the source code which is developed in other programming languages in python and we can use python source code in other programming languages
- Portable We can write the source code in one system and be executed in any system
- Dynamic Memory Allocation Memory allocation is done automatically and the memory is allocated the variables at run-time
- Scalable Python programming language offers an improved structure, and it supports larger applications