What is Java?

Java is one of the most popular technology, programming language, platform which is developed by sun micro systems in early 1990’s in the form of API (Application Programming Interface) which is used to develop stand-alone applications, web applications, mobile applications and enterprise applications.



J2SE stands for Java Standard Edition. It is used to develop Standalone applications/desktop applications.


What do you mean by standalone applications?

The java application which doesn’t need the client-server architecture is known as standalone application and they are meant only for one local system/desktop and they don’t need any internet connection.




J2EE stands for Java Enterprise Edition. Java applications which need client and server is known as a web application. These applications must need the internet to access the application. To develop a web-based application we also use the concepts of core java. Now-a-days everything is online, if you want to book an appointment or buy an essential or to order food or to access the data is done based on web-based applications


Client : One who sends the request is known as Client                

Example : Internet Explorer, Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox


Server : It contains the entire application and takes the request from the client and based on it will search the project resource file and execute the project and generate the response and sends it to the client.


No. of Technologies depends on Core Java and few are listed below:

·                    Advance Java

·                    Spring Framework

·                    Android

·                    Selenium Testing

·                    Big Data (Hadoop)

·                    Cloud Computing

·                    Magic Framework

·                    Salesforce

·                    SAP Modules (Web Application)

·                    Open Script (Oracle Framework)


Features of Java programming language


1.    Object-Oriented

     Java is written in classes and it is represented in form of objects which has state and behavior

2.    Simple

     Java is very easy to study, write and analyze as it is clear to understand each line of coding because of its syntax

3.    Portable

     we can copy the source code & byte code of an application and we can execute at another platform too

4.    Platform independent

     Code written in java is compiled and converted to bytecode Information and it can be run on multiple platforms like MS-Windows, Mac OS, Ubuntu, Solaris etc… as bytecode information is a platform-independent code

5.    Secured

     Java is the most secured programming language compared with other languages as it has the features like verification of bytecode information, memory management, No concept of pointers, JIT compiler

6.    Robust

     Robust is also referred as Strong, Java programming language is strongest programming language as it has concepts like exception handling, data-type checking, automated garbage collection by JVM and strong memory management

7.    Multithreaded

     Thread is a piece of code and it is a light weight process, A technology which allows single flow execution (single thread) at a time, these technologies are referred as single threaded technology.  A technology which allows multiple flow of executions (multiple threads) are referred as Multithreaded technology

8.    Distributed

     We can distribute java applications among multiple Java virtual machines (JVM)

9.    Dynamic

Java is one of the dynamic languages which supports dynamic loading and dynamic compilation and automatic memory management

10. High Performance

The performance of java is high as it contains special features mentioned above and It has its own compiler i.e., JIT (just-in-time) compiler


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